Thanks to a very generous grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, we can restore the “at risk” spire of our beautiful building and explore the rich heritage of our church and its community.


The attached resources about two of the names on the St. John’s War Memorials, George, and Tom Foulds, have been used in some local schools in November 2023 as part of learning about Remembrance Sunday. This work would meet some of the requirements of the History National Curriculum Key Stage 2, particularly in learning about historical sources.

This resource is produced from the research undertaken by Roy Foulds, who was 4 when his father George left Worksop for the last time in 1942. Roy has kindly given permission for his story and materials to be used in the project and in schools.

The letters, other documents and personal memories detailed reveal a poignant story that could give the children more understanding about the effect of the war on one family. His story is made more poignant by the death of his grandfather, Tom, at the battle of the Somme at the same age, 30, as his son.

The attached resources may be freely used by Schools and others.